脈 不 滿 五 十 動 而 一止 pulse doesn't compleate 50 pulsations and makes one stop
十 一 難 11th difficulty
Shíyī nán 論 脈 不 滿 五 十 動 而 一止 theory of pulse not compleating 50 pulsation and doing one stop Lùn mài bù mǎn wǔ shí dòng ér yī zhǐ 十 一 難 曰 : 11th difficult issue says Shí yī nán yuē 經 言 tretises say Jīng yán 脈 不 滿 五 十 動 而 一 止 ,pulse do not compleat 50 bits and makes one stop Mài bù mǎn wǔshí dòng ér yī zhǐ 一 藏 無 氣 者, one zang organ has no qi Yī cáng wú qì zhě 何 藏 也 ? 然 :which zang? explanation Hé cáng yě? Rán 人 吸 者 隨 陰 入 , people with inhale let yin to enter Rén xī zhě suí yīn rù 呼 者 因 陽 出 。with exhalation makes yang rise Hū zhě yīn yáng chū 今 吸 不 能至 腎 , this inhale can’t achieve kidney Jīn xī bù néng zhì shèn 至 肝 而 還 and can’t achieve liver either Zhì gān ér hái , 故 知 一 藏 無 氣 者 ,it causes one zang organ not to receive qi Gù zhī yī cáng wú qì zhě 腎 氣 先 盡 也 。qi of kidney get exhausted first Shèn qì xiān jǐn yě 11th difficulty explains pulse breath and is linked to difficulty 4th which states: 脈 有 pulse follows 陰 陽 之 法 ,rules of yin and yang 何 謂 也 ? What does it mean? 然 : explanation 呼 出 exhale rises 心 與 肺 ,into heart and lungs 吸 入 inhale enters 腎 與 肝 ,into kidney and liver 呼 吸 之 間 ,between exhale and inhale 脾 受 pancreas has its place 穀 味 也 ,which receives food and flavours 其 脈 在 中 。its pulse is in the middle 浮 者 ,that what is on surface 陽 也 ;it is yang 沉 者 ,that what is in depth 陰 也 。is yin 故 曰 :it is why they talk 陰 陽 也 。about yin and yang 心 肺 heart and lungs 俱 浮 ,together are on surface This particular inhalation and exhalation may be observed through the pulse by practitioners of archaic acupuncture. This pulse movement shows movement of qi between lung, heart, spleen, liver and kidney positions. Once inhale do not enters till kidney position, it produces disappearance of one pulse bit in one cycle of 50 bits. It means that breathing cycle can't be completed and qi cant move with inhale from the heart to the spleen, to the lung to the spleen, to the kidney and with exhale backwards from kidney to the spleen, to the liver, to the spleen, heart and lung as kidney has interruption, so sheng cycle becomes interrupted and qi start to move through the cycle of seven changes explained in difficulty 53. In this case qi produces five movements without entering kidney. Qi moves then from the heart to the lung, spleen, liver as inhale and backwards to the spleen and heart as exhale as shown in the picture on the bottom of the page. |