Join the mission
Acupuncture pulse diagnosis indicates extremely important readings all doctors in the world would like to know. They are no more no less then explanation of cellular cycles, processes of anabolism and catabolism. Knowing how to read them is the way of knowing how to treat most difficult diseases of the centuries. Cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, infertility and so on.
It is a medicine of the future with it's roots still hiding 2000 years ago
You may join the mission or help it.
Everything you need is to learn and practice, giving hope and health to patients, producing more and more successful stories, bringing attention of everybody practicing this medicine using forces earth and sun apply to all organisms to maintain their normal functions.
If you are not practitioner, you may help one to pay his or her course or you may give a donation here which will be used for following research and analysis of ancient writings, publishing their knowledge, preparation of manual for publications (I am working in present) which is extremely time consuming work after treating patients.
It is a medicine of the future with it's roots still hiding 2000 years ago
You may join the mission or help it.
Everything you need is to learn and practice, giving hope and health to patients, producing more and more successful stories, bringing attention of everybody practicing this medicine using forces earth and sun apply to all organisms to maintain their normal functions.
If you are not practitioner, you may help one to pay his or her course or you may give a donation here which will be used for following research and analysis of ancient writings, publishing their knowledge, preparation of manual for publications (I am working in present) which is extremely time consuming work after treating patients.
Thank you for your DonationI want to donate for the effective medicine of my future available for everybody
Thank you for your DonationI want to donate for the effective medicine of the future available for everybody
Thank you for your DonationI want to donate for the effective medicine of the future available for everybody
Thank you for your DonationI want to donate for the effective medicine of the future available for everybody
Thank you for your Donation
I want to donate for the effective medicine of the future available for everybody