五 臟 病 內 外 證 external and internal signs of diseases of 5 organs
Liver |
十 六 難 16th difficult issue
Shí liù nán 論 五 臟 病 內 外 證 external and internal signs of diseases of 5 organs Lùn wǔ zàng bìng nèi wài zhèng 十 六 難 曰 : 16th difficult issue says Shí liù nán yuē 脈 有 三 部 九 候 , pulse has 3 parts and nine states Mài yǒu sān bù jiǔ hou 有 陰 陽 , it has yin and yang Yǒu yīn yáng 有 輕 重 , it has light and heavy weight Yǒu qīng zhòng 有 六 十 首, there are 60 characteristics Yǒu liù shí shǒu 一 脈 變 為 四 時 。 one pulse changes during 4 seasons Yī mài biàn wèi sì shí 離 聖 久 遠 , any changes of this law produces long term consecuences Lí shèng jiǔ yuǎn 各 自 是 其 法 , everything obeys it’s law Gèzì shì qí fǎ 何 以 別 之 ?然 : isn’t it correct? explanation Hé yǐ bié zhī? Rán 是 其 病 有 內 外 證 。 diseases have their internal and external signs Shì qí bìng yǒu nèi wài zhèng 其 病 為 之 奈 何 ?how differentiate them? Qí bìng wéi zhī nài hé Heart |
然 : 假 令 得 肝 脈 : explanation. Lets take as example pulse of liver
Rán: Jiǎ lìng de gān mài 其 外 證 , its external signs 善 潔 , are order and cleanesiness Shàn jié 面 青 , face is green Miàn qīng 善 怒 。 easy to get angry Shàn nù 其 內證 , they are internal signs Qí nèi zhèng 臍 左 有 動 氣 , movement of qi is on the left side of umbilicus Qí zuǒ yǒu dòng qì 按 之 牢 若 痛 。painful hardness is felt under pressure Àn zhī láo ruò tòng 其 病 , this disease Qí bìng 四 肢 滿 閉 , appears in four limbs as fullness and contraction/ obstruction Sì zhī mǎn bì 淋 溲便 難 ,urinary incontinence or anuria Lín sōu biàn nán 轉 筋 。cramping muscles Zhuàn jīn 有 是 者 肝 也 ,they are signs of liver Yǒu shì zhě gān yě 無 是 者 非 也 。without them there is no involvement of liver Wú shì zhě fēi yě |
假 令 得 心 脈 : lets take as example pulse of the heart
Jiǎ lìng dé xīn mài 其 外 證 , it’ external signs are Qí wài zhèng 面 赤 , red face Miàn chì 口 乾 ,dry mouth Kǒu gān 喜 笑 。 aversion to laughing Xǐ xiào 其 內 證 ,it’s internal signs are Qí nèi zhèng 臍 上 有 動 氣 ,movement of qi is upper part over ombilicus Qí shàng yǒu dòng qì 按 之 牢 若 痛 painful hardeness is felt under pressure Àn zhī láo ruò tòng 其 病 , it’s disease Qí bìng 煩 心 , worry in the heart Fán xīn 心 痛 , heartache Xīn tòng 掌 中 熱 而 ● 。 heat in the middle of the palms Zhǎng zhōng rè ér 有 是 者 心 也 ,they are signs of the heart Yǒu shì zhě xīn yě 無 是者 非 也 。without them there is no involvement of the heart Wú shì zhě fēi yě |
假 令 得 脾 脈 : lets take as an example the spleen
Jiǎ lìng de pí mài 其 外 證 ,it’s external signs are Qí wài zhèng 面 黃 , yellow face Miàn huáng 善 噫 , emotion is regret Shàn yī 善 思 ,reflection Shàn sī 善 味 。feeling smell and taste Shàn wèi 其內 證 , it’s internal signs are Qí nèi zhèng 當 臍 有 動 氣 ,movement of qi is inside of umbilicus Dāng qí yǒu dòngqì 按 之 牢 若 痛 。painful hardeness is felt under pressure Àn zhī láo ruò tòng |
其 病 ,it’s disease is
Qí bìng 腹 脹 滿 ,fullness and swelling of abdomen Fù zhàng mǎn 食 不消 ,indigestion of food Shí bù xiāo 體 重 節 痛 ,body is heavy and joints are painful Tǐ zhòng jié tòng 怠 墮 嗜 臥 ,feeling lasy, tiredness and sleepiness Dài duò shì wò 四 支 不 收 。weakness in 4 extremities Sì zhī bù shōu 有 是 者 脾 也 , they are signs of spleen Yǒu shì zhě pí yě 無是 者 非 也 。without them there is no involvement of spleen Wú shì zhě fēi yě |
Lungs假 令 得 肺 脈 :let’s take as an example pulse of lung
Jiǎ lìng de fèi mài 其 外 證 , it’s external signs are Qí wài zhèng 面 白 ,white face Miànbái 善 嚏 , aversed to sneeze Shàn tì 悲 愁 不 樂 ,sadness, worry and not happy Bēi chóu bù lè 欲 哭。 Desire to cry Yù kū 其 內 證 , there are internal signs Qí nèi zhèng 臍 右 有 動 氣 , movement of qi is on the right side of umbilicus Qí yòu yǒu dòng qì 按 之 牢 若 痛 。 painful hardening is felt under pressure 其 病 , disease is Qí bìng 喘 欬 , heavy breathing and cough Chuǎn kài 灑淅 寒 熱 。fever with cold shivering and hot perspiration Sǎ xī hán rè 有 是 者 肺 也 ,they are signs of lung Yǒu shì zhě fèi yě 無 是 者 非 也 。without them there is no involvement of lung Wú shì zhě fēi yě |
Kidneys假 令 得 腎 脈 :lets take as an exemple the kidney
Jiǎ lìng de shèn mài 其 外 證 , it’s external signs Qí wài zhèng 面 黑 , is black face Miàn hēi 善 恐 欠 。aversion to fear of lack Shàn kǒng qiàn 其 內 證 , it’s internal signs are Qí nèi zhèng 臍 下有 動 氣 , qi moves under umbilicus Qí xià yǒu dòng qì 按 之 牢 若 痛 。painful hardening under pressure Àn zhī láo ruò tòng 其 病 ,disease is Qí bìng 逆 氣 , contrary flow of qi Nì qì 小 腹 急 痛 ,urgency and pain in small intestine Xiǎo fù jí tòng 泄 如 下重 , diarhea with heavy pulling Xiè rú xià zhòng 足 脛 寒 而 逆 。shins are getting cold and contrary qi flow Zú jìng hán ér nì 有 是 者 腎 也 ,all these sighs are of kidneys Yǒu shì zhě shèn yě 無 是 者 非 也 。without them kidneys are not involved Wú shì zhě fēi yě |