色 脈 皮 膚 之 相 應 appearance of the pulse and skin colour
13th difficulty is linked to 10th and 50th difficulty of Nanjing explaining that
1 心 脈 大 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes extra large 心 邪 自 干 心 也 it is when heart self affects heart 3 RED COLOUR 2 從 後 來 者 為 虛 邪 ,empty evil comes from behind 1 肝 邪 干 心 也 ;when evil of liver affects the heart 1 假 令 心 脈 急 甚 者 , for example pulse of heart becomes extra fast it is when pulse becomes more fast then large, showing priority of liver GREEN COLOUR 3 從 前 來 者 為 實 邪full evil comes from the front 5 心 脈 緩 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart become too slow 脾 邪 干 心 也 ; it is when evil of spleen affects heart 5, pulse becomes more slow then large showing priority of spleen YELLOW COLOUR 4 從 所 勝 來 者 為 微 邪 , small evil comes from the victory 7 心 脈 濇 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more grating, chopping 肺 邪 干 心 也 ;it is when evil of lung affects heart WHITE COLOUR7. Pulse becomes more grating then large showing priority of lung 5 從 所 不 勝 來 者 為 賊 邪 thief evil comes not from the victory 9 心 脈 沉 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more deep 腎 邪 平 心 也; it is when evil of kidney affects the heart 9. Pulse becomes more deep then large, showing priority of Kidney BLACK COLOUR Difficulty 13 explains connection of the pulse with colour of the face. Same as pulse colour becomes dominating in each condition. |
十 三 難 13th difficult issue
Shí sān nán 論 色 脈 皮 膚 之 相 應 appearance of the pulse and skin coulour Lùn sè mài pífū zhī xiāng yīng 十 三 難 曰 : 13th difficult issue says Shí sān nán yuē 經 言 : tretises says Jīng yán 見 其 色 而 不 得 其 脈 , color may not correspond the pulse Jiàn qí sè ér bù dé qí mài 反 得 相 勝 之 脈者 即 死 , it may contradict the pulse indication, so it says about eminent death Fǎn de xiāng shèng zhī mài zhě jísǐ 得 相 生 之 脈 者 , when it appears according to pulsation (color) De xiāng shēng zhī mài zhě 病 即 自 己 , disease will heal itself Bìng jí zìjǐ 色 之 與 脈 , pulse corresponds colours Sè zhī yǔ mài 當 參 相 應 。 in their mutual correspondence Dāng cān xiāng yìng 為 之 柰 何 ?How understand this? Wéi zhī nài hé 然 : 五 藏 有 五 色 ,explanation, five zang organs has their five colors Rán: Wǔ cáng yǒu wǔ sè 皆 見 於 面 , which can be seen on the face Jiē jiàn wū miàn 亦 當 與 寸 口 尺 內 相 應 。they also should correspond to what is inside of cunkouchi. Yì dāng yǔ cùn kǒu chǐ nèi xiāng yīng 假 令 色 青 , for example there is a green color Jiǎ lìng sè qīng 其 脈 當 弦 而 急 ; its pulse should be string tense and rapid Qí mài dāng xián ér jí 色 赤 , red color Sè chì 其 脈 浮 大 而 散 ; it’s pulse should be superficial, large and dispersing Qí mài fú dà ér sàn 色 黃, yellow color Sè huáng 其 脈 中 緩 而 大 ; it’s pulse in the middle is slow and large Qí mài zhōng huǎn ér dà 色 白 , color white Sè bái 其 脈 浮 濇 而 短 ; it’s pulse is superficial, grating and short Qí mài fú sè ér duǎn 色 黑 ,black color Sè hēi 其 脈 沉濡 而 滑 。 it’s pulse is deep immerse and slippery Qí mài chén rú ér huá 此 所 謂 五 色 之 與 脈 ,it is why they say about the pulses of five colors Cǐ suǒ wèi wǔ sè zhī yǔ mài 當 參 相 應 也 。in their mutual correspondence Dāng cān xiāng yīng yě 脈 數 , pulse is frequent Mài shù 尺 之 皮 膚 亦 數 ;skin of chi is also frequent Chǐ zhī pí fū yì shù 脈 急 ,pulse fast Mài jí 尺 之 皮 膚 亦 急 ;skin of chi is also fast Chǐ zhī pí fū yì jí 脈 緩 ,pulse slow Mài huǎn 尺 之 皮 膚 亦 緩 ;skin of chi is also slow Chǐ zhī pífū yì huǎn 脈 濇 , pulse grating Mài sè 尺 之 皮 膚 亦 濇 ; skin of chi is also grating Chǐ zhī pífū yì sè 脈 滑 , pulse is slippery Mài huá 尺 之 皮 膚亦 滑 。skin of chi is also slippery Chǐ zhī pífū yì huá 五 藏 各 有 聲 色 臭 味 ,each of five zang organs have their color, smell ant taste Wǔ cáng gè yǒu shēng sè chòu wèi 當 與 寸 口 尺 內 相 應 , which correspond what we find inside of cun kou chi Dāng yǔ cùn kǒu chǐ nèi xiāng yīng 其 不 應 者 病也 。not correspondence shows in disease Qí bù yìng zhě bìng yě 假 令 色 青 , for example pulse is green Jiǎ lìng sè qīng 其 脈 浮 濇 而 短 ,but pulse is superficial, grating and short Qí mài fú sè ér duǎn 若 大 而 緩 為 相 勝 ; as large but slow indicates order of victory (ko cycle) Ruò dà ér huǎn wèi xiāng shèng 浮 大而 散 ,superficial large and dispercing Fú dà ér sàn 若 小 而 滑 為 相 生 也 。as small and floating indicates order of production (shen cycle) 經 言 : scriptures says Jīng yán 知 一 為 下 工 ,to know one sign is inferior doctor Zhī yī wèi xià gōng 知 二 為 中 工 ,to know two signs is mediocre doctor Zhī èr wéi zhōng gōng 知 三 為 上 工 。to know three signs is highest doctor Zhī sān wéi shàng gōng 上工 者 十 全 九 , highest doctor will cure nine out of ten Shàng gōng zhě shí quán jiǔ 中 工 者 十 全 七 , mediocre doctor wil cure seven of ten Zhōng gōng zhě shí quán qī 下 工 者 十 全 六 。 inferior doctor will cure six of ten Xià gōng zhě shí quán liù 此 之 謂也 。this is a meaning Cǐ zhī wèi yě |