論 奇 經 八 脈 theory of odd meridians separating vessels
27th difficulty is the first difficulty uniting all odd meridians, known as extraordinary. Word Ba 八 was used as verb separate during Shang, Zhou and Han dynasties. Later Chinese started to use it as word eight too (not number).
Difficulty states 奇 經 八 脈 Odd Meridians Separating Vessels. In case of number 八 should stay in the start of sentence front of word meridian 經, but it uses place of verb. Further it continues it's function of separation, claiming that odd meridians have not common points with ordinary meridians. In reality there are only two odd meridians, which are Du mai and Ren mai, all other meridians are even or paired. All other meridians except Ren and Du mai have common point with ordinary meridians which contradicts nature and function of odd meridians. It looks that other extraordinary meridians were added later after classic was originally written, after Han dynasty and same meridians were added to NeiJing. Difficulty explains, that odd meridians have not connection with ordinary meridians, so they prevent overflowing and expansion of disease between all meridians. Archaic acupuncture explains on practice use of these odd meridians according to the pulse. These meridians separate Rong qi from wei, so when Rong is on the left side of the body, wei is on it's right side. We can palpate it in pulse. Rong and wei change their sides every 14.4 minutes this change we can palpate in pulse too.Practitioners regulate Rong and wei flow between meridians according to the difficulty 1, 30, 72 using two odd meridians Ren and Du mai. Without this exchange Rong or wei would be fulfilling same meridian producing overflow. In reality Ren and Du mai meridians change flow of Rong and Wei every 14.4 minutes, preventing extreme overfilling of meridians as it is described in difficulty 27. |
二 十 七 難 27th difficulty
Èr shí qī nán 論 奇 經 八 脈 theory of odd meridians separating vessels Lùn qí jīng bā mài 二 十 七 難 曰 : 27th difficulty says Èr shí qī nán yuē 脈 有 奇 經 八 脈 者 , vessels have odd meridians separating vessels Mài yǒu qí jīng bā mài zhě 不 拘 於 十 二 經 , which do not adhere to 12 meridians Bù jū wū shí'èr jīng 何 也 ?然 : what does it mean? explanation Hé yě? Rán 有 陽 維 , there is yáng wéi Yǒu yáng wéi 有 陰 維 ,there is yīn wéi Yǒu yīn wéi 有 陽 蹻 , there is yang jue Yǒu yáng juē 有 陰 蹻 , there is a yin jue Yǒu yīn juē 有 衝 , there is a chong Yǒu chōng 有 督 ,there is a du Yǒu dū 有 任 , there is a ren Yǒu rèn 有 帶 之 脈 , there is dai Yǒu dài zhī mài 凡 此 八 脈 者 , all of them are separating vessels Fán cǐ bā mài zhě 皆 不 拘 於 經 , non of them adhere to meridians Jiē bùjū wū jīng 故 曰 奇 經八 脈 也 。it is why they say odd meridians separating vessels Gù yuē qí jīng bā mài yě 經 有 十 二 , meridians are 12 Jīng yǒu shí'èr 絡 有 十 五 ,luo are 15 Luò yǒu shíwǔ 凡 二 十 七 氣 , in total are 27 Fán èrshíqī qì 相 隨 上 下 , where qi moves up and down Xiāng suí shàng xià 何 獨 不 拘 於 經 也 ? 然 : how is that they do not adhere to meridians? explanation Hé dú bù jū wū jīng yě? Rán 聖 人 圖 設 溝 渠 , wise men explained it as chart of ditch connection between irrigation channels Shèngrén tú shè gōuqú 通 利 水 道 , through which water has its way Tōng lì shuǐ dào 以 備 不 然, in the case when channels are affected Yǐ bèi bù rán 天 雨 降 下 , when sky sends rain down Tiān yǔ jiàng xià 溝 渠 溢 滿 , so ditch channels overflow completely Gōu qú yì mǎn 當 此 之 時 , prepared for this occasion Dāng cǐ zhī shí 雱 霈 妄 作 ,of heavy rains and the storm rushing Pāng pèi wàng zuò 聖 人 不能 復 圖 也 。 so even wise men wouldn’t be able to see the chart Shèng rén bù néng fù tú yě 此 絡 脈 滿 溢 , as luo and vessels would become overflowed Cǐ luò mài mǎn yì 諸 經 不 能 復 拘 也 。so many meridians would not be able to restore their connections Zhū jīng bù néng fù jū yě |