Three treasures of acupuncture
Acupuncture pulse diagnosis observes pulse from three most important positions which indicate basics of acupuncture diagnosis and treatment. Only acupuncture pulse diagnosis requires information about condition of patient together with natural flow of Qi as last indication is not used in herbal treatment. These indications were meticulously explained in Nanjing but ignored for last 2000 years during the application of herbal pulse diagnosis for acupuncture treatment.
San Cun 三 寸人 一 呼 in a man for one exhale
脈 行 三 寸 ,pulsation moves 3 cun 一 吸 for one inhale 脈 行 三 寸 ,pulsation moves 3 cun San Cun or three cun is a place where practitioner differentiate 100 ke (14,4 minutes)of the day, increase or decrease of yin or yang, right or left circulation and breath of pulse (6,4 seconds) generated also by rotation of the Earth around the Sun. It indicates if patient's breath is in resonance with earth natural qi flow, and which side to use for the treatment during this particular ke of the day |