Fifth difficult issue is the one of the most important explanation about exact acupuncture diagnosis according to WuXing, five movements. This issue gives practitioner method of defining one of the five movements dominating in each meridian in normal and pathological condition. This difficulty explains comparison between forces of the pulse during each movement of meridian. Each pulse is compared to the weight, which is the force and not level as implied by some practitioners. W = mg. It is different force of Qi corresponding to each of five different movements. It is a very important difference from herbal pulse diagnosis. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis is not only diagnosis of condition but also exact prescription for needling. According to this difficult issue pulse may become more yin or more yang depends of its normal movement and movement it dominates now, showing yin or yang excess and deficiency of each meridian. Fourth difficult issue explains that pulse may contain parts yin or yang. For example pulse of the heart has one part of yin and three parts of yang, pulse of liver has one part of yang and three parts of yin and so on. Only acupuncture pulse diagnosis can indicate exactly how many parts of yin or yang contains each pulse as it may be described in graph known as Pulse map.