論 五 邪 之 別 theory of five evils
10th difficulty is linked to 10th difficulty of Nanjing explaining that
1 心 脈 大 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes extra large 心 邪 自 干 心 也 it is when heart self affects heart 3 2 從 後 來 者 為 虛 邪 ,empty evil comes from behind 1 肝 邪 干 心 也 ;when evil of liver affects the heart 1 假 令 心 脈 急 甚 者 , for example pulse of heart becomes extra fast it is when pulse becomes more fast then large, showing priority of liver 3 從 前 來 者 為 實 邪full evil comes from the front 5 心 脈 緩 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart become too slow 脾 邪 干 心 也 ; it is when evil of spleen affects heart 5, pulse becomes more slow then large showing priority of spleen |
五 十 難 50th difficulty
Wǔ shí nán 論 五 邪 之 別 theory of five evils Lùn wǔ xié zhī bié 五 十 難 曰 :50th difficulty says Wǔ shí nán yuē 病 有 虛 邪 ,disease may be deficient evil Bìng yǒu xū xié 有 實 邪 , may be excessive evil Yǒu shí xié 有 賊 邪 , may be thief evil Yǒu zéi xié 有 微 邪 , may be small evil Yǒu wēi xié 有 正邪 , may be straight evil Yǒu zhèng xié 何 以 別 之 ? 然 : how does it happen? explanation Héyǐ bié zhī? Rán 從 後 來 者 為 虛 邪 ,empty evil comes from behind 1,2 Cóng hòu lái zhě wèi xū xié 從 前 來 者 為 實 邪, full evil comes from the front 5,6 Cóng qián lái zhě wèi shí xié 從 所 不 勝 來 者 為 賊 邪 thieft evil comes not from the victory 9,10 Cóng suǒ bù shèng lái zhě wèi zéi xié 從 所 勝 來 者 為 微 邪 , small evil comes from the victory 7,8 Cóng suǒ shèng lái zhě wèi wēi xié 自 病 者 為正 邪 。main evil comes from same disease 3,4 Zì bìng zhě wèi zhèng xié 何 以 言 之 ? how they are named? Héyǐ yán zhī? 假 令 心 病 , lets assume there is a heart disease Jiǎ lìng xīn bìng 中 風 得 之 為 虛 邪 , empty evil comes from central wind 1,2 Zhòng fēng dé zhī wèi xū xié 傷 暑 得 之 為正 邪 , main evil comes from harmful heat 3,4 Shāng shǔ dé zhī wèi zhèng xié 飲 食 勞 倦 得 之 為 實 邪 , full evil comes from of food, drink and labour which bring tiredness 5,6 Yǐn shí láo juàn dé zhī wèi shí xié 傷 寒 得 之 為 微 邪 , small evil comes from hurting cold entry 7,8 Shāng hán dé zhī wèi wēi xié 中 濕 得之 為 賊 邪 。thieft evil comes central dampness 9,10 Zhōng shī dé zhī wèi zéi xié |
4 從 所 勝 來 者 為 微 邪 , small evil comes from the victory 7
心 脈 濇 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more grating, chopping
肺 邪 干 心 也 ;it is when evil of lung affects heart 7. Pulse becomes more grating then large showing priority of lung
5 從 所 不 勝 來 者 為 賊 邪 thief evil comes not from the victory 9
心 脈 沉 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more deep
腎 邪 平 心 也; it is when evil of kidney affects the heart 9. Pulse becomes more deep then large, showing priority of Kidney
This difficulty is continuation of 10th difficulty and is used by practitioners of archaic acupuncture as diagnostic tool for prescription of treatment.
心 脈 濇 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more grating, chopping
肺 邪 干 心 也 ;it is when evil of lung affects heart 7. Pulse becomes more grating then large showing priority of lung
5 從 所 不 勝 來 者 為 賊 邪 thief evil comes not from the victory 9
心 脈 沉 甚 者 , when pulse of the heart becomes more deep
腎 邪 平 心 也; it is when evil of kidney affects the heart 9. Pulse becomes more deep then large, showing priority of Kidney
This difficulty is continuation of 10th difficulty and is used by practitioners of archaic acupuncture as diagnostic tool for prescription of treatment.