七 十 一 難 論 針 刺 榮 衛 之 淺 深 deep and shallow puncture of Rong and Wei
七 十 一 難 71 difficulty
論 針 刺 explains deep and shallow puncture 榮 衛 之 of rong and wei 淺 深 七 十 一 難 曰 :difficulty 71 explains 經 言 : treatise says 「 刺 榮 puncturing rong 無 傷 衛 ,don’t harm wei 刺 衛 puncturing wei 無 傷 榮 。don’t harm rong 」 何謂 也 ?how to explain that? 然 : explanation 針 陽 者 , to puncture yang 臥 針 put needle horizontally 而 刺 之 ; and puncture. 刺 陰 者 ,to puncture yin 先 以 左 手 first with left hand 攝按 所 make pressure on point 針 榮 俞 之 處 ,of puncture where Rong is located 氣 散 乃 內 針 。 dispersing qi and inserting the needle deep 是 謂 it is known as 刺 榮 puncturing rong 無 傷 衛 , without harming wei 刺 衛 and puncturing wei 無 傷 榮 也 。without harming the rong This difficulty has link with difficulty 72 調 氣 之 方 ,direction of qi flow 必 在 陰 陽 者 ,must be yin or yang 知 其 內 外 表 裏 , knowledge of inside and outside, external and internal 隨 其 陰 陽 而調 之 ,following yin and yang and harmonizing 故 曰 調 氣 之 方 ,way of normalizing of qi 必 在 陰 陽 。must be yin or yang. These difficulties explain of puncture according of direction of Rong and Wei qi flow, where Wei flows superficially as yang and Rong flows inside of meridian as yin. This difficulty together with difficulty 72 explain treatment trough Rong and Wei of meridian. Practitioner gains access to Rong puncturing the place of acupuncture point. Practitioner gains access to Wei of meridian puncturing horizontally outside of acupuncture point. Acupuncture point is not even mentioned in explanation of puncture of Wei. It is the one of indicators that archaic acupuncture didn't use point's properties. Treatment was to manage Rong and Wei of particular meridian by inviting dominating yin or yang to the place of their circulation. |