實 實 虛 虛 之 害 harm of supplementing the full and depleting the deficient
81th difficulty of Nanjing explains that disease of excess or deficiency of meridians of the body can't be diagnosed through cunkou. Same conclusion achieved in 8th difficult issue. Chicun is the pulse area where excess or deficiency may be found.
81th difficulty explains also rule of supplementation and depletion, evoiding harm by supplementing the full and depleting the empty. A. As an example difficulty shows liver excess and lung deficiency treating directly affected meridians. Liver is a son for kidney, so it depletes kidney. Liver is mother for heart, so it supplement the heart. Treatment of the liver will deplete kidney, supplement heart and heart through controlling connection will deplete even more depleted lung. As an example of excessive lung and deficient liver. Example shows again direct treatment of the lung. Lung is a son of the spleen, so it will deplete the spleen. Lung is a mother for the kidney, it will supplement kidney. There will be no effect on liver except lung will be depleting already depleted liver even more through controlling ko connection, Liver can't control spleen, so excess of spleen will supplement even more excess of lung |
八 十 一 難 81th difficulty
Bā shí yī nán 論 實 實 虛 虛 之 害 harm of supplementing excess and depleting deficiency Lùn shí shí xū xū zhī hài 八 十 一 難 曰 :81th difficulty says Bā shí yī nán yuē 經 言 :tretises says Jīng yán 無 實 實 虛 虛 ,it is not recommendable supplement excess and deplete deficiency Wú shí shí xū xū 損 不 足 而 益 有 餘 。to weaken what is weak and reinforce what is sufficient Sǔn bù zú ér yì yǒu yú 是 寸 口 脈 耶 ?can we see it in cunkou pulse? Shì cùn kǒu mài yē 將 病 自 有 虛 實 耶 ?would disease happen from supplementing or depleting? Jiāng bìng zì yǒu xū shí yē 其 損 益 奈 何 ? 然 : what kind of damage may happen? Explanation Qí sǔ nyì nài hé? Rán: 是 病 非 謂 寸 口 脈 也 ,existance of disease can’t be found in cunkou pulse Shì bìng fēi wèi cùnkǒu mài yě 謂 病 自 有 虛 實 也 。disease happens from deficiency or excess Wèi bìng zì yǒu xūshí yě 假 令 肝 實 而 肺 虛 ,lets suppose excess of liver and deficiency of the lung Jiǎ lìng gān shí ér fèi xū 肝 者 木 也 ,liver is wood Gān zhě mù yě 肺 者 金 也 , lung is a metal Fèi zhě jīn yě 金 木 當 更 相 平 , metal and wood balance each other Jīn mù dāng gèng xiàng píng 當 知 金 平 木 。 one should know how balance metal and wood Dāng zhī jīnpíng mù 假令 肺 實 而 肝 虛 ,lets assume that lung is excessive and liver is deficient Jiǎ lìng fèi shí ér gān xū 微 少 氣 , qi is extremely little Wēi shào qì 用 針 不 補 其 肝 ,use of acupuncture will not supplement liver Yòng zhēn bù bǔ qí gān 而 反 重 實 其 肺。But will add excess to lung Ér fǎn zhòng shí qí fèi 故 曰 : so they say Gù yuē 實 實 虛 虛 ,suplement excessive and deplete deficient Shí shí xū xū 損 不 足 而 益 有 餘 。harming weak and supplementing sufficient Sǔn bùzú ér yì yǒuyú 此 者 中 工 之所 害 也 。it is how mediocre practitioner produces harm Cǐ zhě zhōng gōng zhī suǒ hài yě |
B. Archaic acupuncture explains method of needling in difficulty 69 of Nanjing.
In the case of liver excess and lung deficiency, treatment should be directed towards the spleen. Spleen is a mother of the lung, so it will be supplementing the lung. Spleen is a son of the heart, so it will be depleting the heart, decreasing heart's ko connection which controls the lung. Supplemented lung will decrease excess of liver through ko controlling connection. This treatment will supplement depleted lung and deplete excessive liver.
In the case of lung excess and liver deficiency treatment should be directed towards the kidney. Kidney is a mother of the liver, so it will be supplementing liver's deficiency. Kidney is a son of the lung, so it will be depleting excess of the lung. Liver becoming stronger will increase its control over the spleen, so spleen will not be feeding excess of the lung. This treatment depletes excess and supplement deficiency.
This difficulty is linked with difficulty 75 which provides with one extra step towards successful supplementing of deficiency and depleting of excess.
In the case of liver excess and lung deficiency, treatment should be directed towards the spleen. Spleen is a mother of the lung, so it will be supplementing the lung. Spleen is a son of the heart, so it will be depleting the heart, decreasing heart's ko connection which controls the lung. Supplemented lung will decrease excess of liver through ko controlling connection. This treatment will supplement depleted lung and deplete excessive liver.
In the case of lung excess and liver deficiency treatment should be directed towards the kidney. Kidney is a mother of the liver, so it will be supplementing liver's deficiency. Kidney is a son of the lung, so it will be depleting excess of the lung. Liver becoming stronger will increase its control over the spleen, so spleen will not be feeding excess of the lung. This treatment depletes excess and supplement deficiency.
This difficulty is linked with difficulty 75 which provides with one extra step towards successful supplementing of deficiency and depleting of excess.