Archaic acupuncture introduction and seminar example
Here is an example of seminar of archaic acupuncture treatment used more then 2000 years ago and described step by step in NanJing. Practitioners learn how to find Yin and Yang victory of Celestial Qi. It may be found through the pulse. Ancient Chinese didn't use manual sedation or stimulation. They used flow of yin or yang celestial Qi. Next step is to determinate which yin and yang meridians are in excess or deficiency, so celestial yin or yang Qi may deplete or increase them. Next step is to apply acupuncture treatment on affected meridians. Treatment treats Rong and Wei Qi differently as they circulate deep or in surface of each meridian. Rong and Wei circulates differently in different meridians of the right and left side. Their exact circulation may be found also through the pulse. Following step is to insure through the pulse that balance is restored and there is no excess or deficiency. This balance is required to apply adequate treatment according to the symptom, as acupuncture treatment cant be successful when practitioner manage imbalanced system.
This balance usually is completely restored by the end of one cut, known in Chinese clocks as 100 cuts in 24 hours. Rong Qi is treated trough of deep needle insertion and Wei Qi is treated trough use of shallow needle insertion or use of silver scraper. Silver scrapper produces strong electrolysis reaction due to difference of voltages between practitioner and patient.
After circulation in all meridians is restored, practitioner applies local needles in the affected area deep or superficially depending Rong or Wei circulation observed by pulse. Depth of needling is changed in the end of each cut to prevent injury of Rong when puncture of Wei is required and to prevent the injury of Wei when puncture of Rong is required. Rong Qi is treated trough of deep needle insertion and Wei Qi is treated trough use of shallow needle insertion or use of silver scrapper or moxa on area where needles are already inserted To direct celestial Yin and Yang qi towards affected area use of three yin and three yang meridians is applied. These meridians become reception antenna after being «tuned», their reception dramatically increases through contact with similar reception antenna of practitioner through the needle. This increase may be measured even through electric testers. Stimulation of these meridians is done only through the needle's contact. Pulse indicates which of 6 meridians is active in particular moment. This step makes possible increasing reception of celestial Qi by patient and by practitioner too, producing «treatment» of both. When treatment is completed, and needles are removed, normalization of Wei Qi circulation is done through use of silver scraper in local area. |