上 工 治 未 病 Highest practitioner treats disease before it startsDifficulty 77 of Nanjing states, that highest practitioner treats disease before it starts. Archaic pulse guided acupuncture can show disease before symptoms of patient have appeared. It may also show disease before it started in practitioner, so we can prevent it before it started.
Early Chapters of Nanjing explain how to use celestial Qi or Qi breath with purpose to treat patients. Practitioner palpating pulse finds which meridian or vascular connection is the best to receive this row qi and activates these meridians during the treatment. Same way Qi Gong or Tay Chi practitioners receive this row astronomical qi as tree receive energy from sun light. It is a reason why character Tai Chi 太極 shows tree on the left, man standing between two horizontal lines which appoint heaven and the earth. On the left of the man we see mouth which receives energy and right hand on the right, transforming it. This reception and transformation of celestial Qi happens permanently. |
Any physical exercise produces increase of circulation in capillaries. Blood fulfils empty capillaries, increasing capillaries net, natural antenna, it produces increase of reception of celestial Qi, we can measure increase of voltage of the body. This voltage is already transformed celestial raw qi, ready to be assimilated by organs. This practice is used deliberately in Tay Chi or Qi Qong when practitioner increases his or her vascular antenna through physical or mental exercise. Tai Chi or Qi Gong are not excessive phisical activity, so transformed Qi which we see as increase of voltage is not used for restoration of any tissue but is assimilated by the body. When meridians known as Jing Mai or vascular connection become affected, this reception of Qi becomes damaged, due to the fact that vascular antenna loses it's receiving ability. Transformation mechanism also may become damaged, so raw celestial Qi can't be assimilated.
Nanjing explains in it's early chapters that practitioner must normalise meridian's or vascular antenna to restore Celestial Qi reception and transformation, using Yin and Yang victory, 50 yin yang cycles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation and 13500 pulse breaths. In the moment of puncture of active meridian, which activity is selected by pulse, practitioner normalises meridian reception and transformation function immediately, sending Celestial Qi into meridian, inducing this antenna into synchronization with resonance of Celestial qi.
Practitioner practising archaic pulse guided acupuncture keeps his or her meridians in resonance with celestial qi, connecting with active part of vascular antenna of patient through the needle and becoming a conductor, increasing this antenna twice. In this case transformed Qi of practitioner is not absorbed by patient and is not loosed by practitioner, which may be controlled through increasing voltage. Voltage increases as practitioner also absorbs celestial Qi using his or her vascular connection connecting to active antenna of patient.
In case of ignoring of pulse indication of yin and yang victory, 50 yin yang icicles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation and 13500 breaths, practitioner instead of connecting patient to raw celestial qi connects his own transformed Qi to patient which becomes assimilated immediately by patient. We can see it through immediate decrease of practitioner's voltage and increase of patient's voltage. Similar technique may be used by Qi Gong practitioner with purpose of transferring his or her transformed qi to patient. After this practice Qi Gong practitioner needs some rest to restore his transformed Qi. How many acupuncture practitioners aware about this mechanism treating many patients per day, transferring their transformed Qi to patients, that may be observed by decrease of voltage?
Early difficulties of Nanjing explains use of yin and yang victory, 50 yin and yang cycles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation, 13500 Qi breaths created through natural rotation of Earth not only for purpose of better effect of treatment but also as necessary protection of practitioner from loss of his or her transformed Qi, prevention from depletion, treating disease before it starts.
Nanjing explains in it's early chapters that practitioner must normalise meridian's or vascular antenna to restore Celestial Qi reception and transformation, using Yin and Yang victory, 50 yin yang cycles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation and 13500 pulse breaths. In the moment of puncture of active meridian, which activity is selected by pulse, practitioner normalises meridian reception and transformation function immediately, sending Celestial Qi into meridian, inducing this antenna into synchronization with resonance of Celestial qi.
Practitioner practising archaic pulse guided acupuncture keeps his or her meridians in resonance with celestial qi, connecting with active part of vascular antenna of patient through the needle and becoming a conductor, increasing this antenna twice. In this case transformed Qi of practitioner is not absorbed by patient and is not loosed by practitioner, which may be controlled through increasing voltage. Voltage increases as practitioner also absorbs celestial Qi using his or her vascular connection connecting to active antenna of patient.
In case of ignoring of pulse indication of yin and yang victory, 50 yin yang icicles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation and 13500 breaths, practitioner instead of connecting patient to raw celestial qi connects his own transformed Qi to patient which becomes assimilated immediately by patient. We can see it through immediate decrease of practitioner's voltage and increase of patient's voltage. Similar technique may be used by Qi Gong practitioner with purpose of transferring his or her transformed qi to patient. After this practice Qi Gong practitioner needs some rest to restore his transformed Qi. How many acupuncture practitioners aware about this mechanism treating many patients per day, transferring their transformed Qi to patients, that may be observed by decrease of voltage?
Early difficulties of Nanjing explains use of yin and yang victory, 50 yin and yang cycles, 100 ke of Rong and Wei circulation, 13500 Qi breaths created through natural rotation of Earth not only for purpose of better effect of treatment but also as necessary protection of practitioner from loss of his or her transformed Qi, prevention from depletion, treating disease before it starts.