Stimulation and sedation, prescription of selected points for particular condition and many others became the principles of acupuncture taken from pharmaceutical herbal therapy. It made use of herbal pulse diagnosis in acupuncture with tongue diagnosis, etc. Acupuncture became a servant of herbal treatment and took a secondary place, and eventually led to the complete removal of acupuncture from Imperial Palace in the 18th century.Classical Chinese acupuncture is quite unique method of treatment putting Chinese medicine apart of other medical practices . Many of the fundamental principles of this method have been ignored in the past two thousand years, and my mission is to restore them and return them into practice.
Here are just a tiny part of the practical application of the forgotten principles
- Fifty yin and yang periods of the day due to the earth's rotation around the sun. Each of these periods lasts 28.8 minutes. Yang meridians are filled during the yang period, yin meridians are filled during the yin period. These periods indicate not only what meridians are most active, but also these meridians are most effective for the treatment. These periods can be determined using acupuncture pulse diagnosis
- One hundred ke or cuts defining growth and decrease of yin or yang during Yin or yang period. The length of each period ke is 14.4 minutes . Puncture of Yin or Yang meridian during its growth fulfill this meridian that can effectively be applied in the treatment for stimulation of Zhang and Fu. Puncturing meridian during descending yin or yang can be used in the treatment of excess. In these cases, force of natural Qi flow is used instead of "stimulation" or "sedation" used in modern TCM . Different ke indicate different directions of movement of qi in the present moment, for example, from the bottom to the top through the leg Yin meridian or hand Yang meridian from the top to the bottom. Virtually every ke can be found by pulse
- Right-left rule is another lost rule of classic acupuncture. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis can simply specify which side of the body is most active and effective for the treatment in exact moment
- Five movements known now as the five elements can also be determined by pulse. Unlike herbal pulse diagnosis acupuncture pulse diagnosis is to determine each of the five movements dominating in each specific meridian. We know that each meridian corresponds to a movement or its element, but it is in normal condition. Upon the occurrence of pathological processes in the body, these movements are not the same, as indicated by the pulse.- Prescription of points using pulse diagnosis is a direct output of pulse's study. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis not only diagnose the condition, but also specifically indicates which point contains qi for the most effective puncture.
- Motion of disease towards yin or yang is an indication for the use of front points mu or back points shu. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis indicates the direction of movement of the disease and its treatment. So for example, if the illness of a Zhang meridian moves towards yin , excess yin, its treatment should be based on puncturing points mu and maxa shu points. Opposite, if the disease of Zang meridian moves towards yang, yin depleting and it must be treated puncturing points shu and moxa points mu.
- 13,500 breaths also are an important indicator for effective treatment. As you know the patient's pulse can be healthy, but the patient may look sick due to mismatch amount of pulsations and amount of breaths. This acupuncture pulse diagnosis helps to determine this correspondence, synchronized pulsations with breath movement in the human body is the synchronization to the natural movement of qi, which promise long life full of health and strength.
- Use of three different primary positions for acupuncture pulse diagnosis. Cun kou to determinate one of fifty yin-yang periods, San cun or three cun to determinate one of 100 cuts ke, chi cun to determinate five movements.
Here are just a tiny part of the practical application of the forgotten principles
- Fifty yin and yang periods of the day due to the earth's rotation around the sun. Each of these periods lasts 28.8 minutes. Yang meridians are filled during the yang period, yin meridians are filled during the yin period. These periods indicate not only what meridians are most active, but also these meridians are most effective for the treatment. These periods can be determined using acupuncture pulse diagnosis
- One hundred ke or cuts defining growth and decrease of yin or yang during Yin or yang period. The length of each period ke is 14.4 minutes . Puncture of Yin or Yang meridian during its growth fulfill this meridian that can effectively be applied in the treatment for stimulation of Zhang and Fu. Puncturing meridian during descending yin or yang can be used in the treatment of excess. In these cases, force of natural Qi flow is used instead of "stimulation" or "sedation" used in modern TCM . Different ke indicate different directions of movement of qi in the present moment, for example, from the bottom to the top through the leg Yin meridian or hand Yang meridian from the top to the bottom. Virtually every ke can be found by pulse
- Right-left rule is another lost rule of classic acupuncture. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis can simply specify which side of the body is most active and effective for the treatment in exact moment
- Five movements known now as the five elements can also be determined by pulse. Unlike herbal pulse diagnosis acupuncture pulse diagnosis is to determine each of the five movements dominating in each specific meridian. We know that each meridian corresponds to a movement or its element, but it is in normal condition. Upon the occurrence of pathological processes in the body, these movements are not the same, as indicated by the pulse.- Prescription of points using pulse diagnosis is a direct output of pulse's study. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis not only diagnose the condition, but also specifically indicates which point contains qi for the most effective puncture.
- Motion of disease towards yin or yang is an indication for the use of front points mu or back points shu. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis indicates the direction of movement of the disease and its treatment. So for example, if the illness of a Zhang meridian moves towards yin , excess yin, its treatment should be based on puncturing points mu and maxa shu points. Opposite, if the disease of Zang meridian moves towards yang, yin depleting and it must be treated puncturing points shu and moxa points mu.
- 13,500 breaths also are an important indicator for effective treatment. As you know the patient's pulse can be healthy, but the patient may look sick due to mismatch amount of pulsations and amount of breaths. This acupuncture pulse diagnosis helps to determine this correspondence, synchronized pulsations with breath movement in the human body is the synchronization to the natural movement of qi, which promise long life full of health and strength.
- Use of three different primary positions for acupuncture pulse diagnosis. Cun kou to determinate one of fifty yin-yang periods, San cun or three cun to determinate one of 100 cuts ke, chi cun to determinate five movements.
Join the Mission
Acupuncture pulse diagnosis indicates extremely important readings all doctors in the world would like to know. They are no more no less then explanation of cellular cycles, processes of anabolism and catabolism. Knowing how to read them is the way of knowing how to treat most difficult diseases of the centuries. Cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, infertility and so on.
It is a medicine of the future with it's roots still hiding 2000 years ago
You may join the mission or help it.
Everything you need is to learn and practice, giving hope and health to patients, producing more and more successful stories, bringing attention of everybody practicing this medicine using forces earth and sun apply to all organisms to maintain their normal functions.
If you are not practitioner, you may help one to pay his or her course or you may give a donation here which will be used for following research and analysis of ancient writings, publishing their knowledge, preparation of manual for publication (I am working in present) which is extremely time consuming work after treating patients.
It is a medicine of the future with it's roots still hiding 2000 years ago
You may join the mission or help it.
Everything you need is to learn and practice, giving hope and health to patients, producing more and more successful stories, bringing attention of everybody practicing this medicine using forces earth and sun apply to all organisms to maintain their normal functions.
If you are not practitioner, you may help one to pay his or her course or you may give a donation here which will be used for following research and analysis of ancient writings, publishing their knowledge, preparation of manual for publication (I am working in present) which is extremely time consuming work after treating patients.
My Alma Mater
The First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg was founded in 1897 as the "Women's Medical Institute" by Lidia Shaniavsly and was developed by Marta Helena Nobel-Oleinikoff, the daughter of the industrialist and humanitarian, Ludvig Nobel and the niece of Alfred Nobel. It was the first medical institution in Europe and Russia where women could graduate as a medical doctor. It was a place where families from around the world sent their daughters. Marta Helena Nobel-Oleinikoff graduated in 1904 and built an ophthalmology clinic for 40 patients in 1907 and aclinic of surgery for 50 patients in 1912, where she later worked. She founded the scholarship for students from low income families and later organised a laboratory for a clinic of otolaryngology. Men were able to study at the medical institute from 1916. It was the first medical institution in Europe and Russia that used an Xray machine and had radiology and cancer clinics. The first ever female professor of medicine, Anna Sahnovskaya, graduated from the same institute. The Institute had a homeopathy hospital on its campus. The First Pavlov State Medical University is the largest medical institution in Saint Petersburg and consists of the following clinics: Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Allergology, Venereology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Dermatology, Immunology, Cardiology, Coloproctology, Cardiac Surgery, Laser Medicine, Mammalogy, Nephrology, Neurology, Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Surdologopedics, Vascular surgery, Stomatology, Thoracic Surgery, Bone Marrow transplantation, Kidney Transplantation, Therapy, Urology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Physiotherapy, Phlebology, Endocrinology,
As well as: A variety of Laboratory Tests, Infectious diseases, Physical therapy, Hair Transplantation, Psychotherapy, Plasmapheresis, Phototherapy
Allergology, Venereology, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Dermatology, Immunology, Cardiology, Coloproctology, Cardiac Surgery, Laser Medicine, Mammalogy, Nephrology, Neurology, Oncology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Pulmonology, Radiology, Rheumatology, Surdologopedics, Vascular surgery, Stomatology, Thoracic Surgery, Bone Marrow transplantation, Kidney Transplantation, Therapy, Urology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Physiotherapy, Phlebology, Endocrinology,
As well as: A variety of Laboratory Tests, Infectious diseases, Physical therapy, Hair Transplantation, Psychotherapy, Plasmapheresis, Phototherapy