論 募 在 陰 而 俞 在 陽 mu points are yin and shu points are yang
Explanation of treatment through yang shu points of the back and yin mu points of the stomach described in more then one difficulties of NanJIng
六 十 七 難 sixty seveth difficulty 論 explanation 募 在 陰 my points are yin 而 俞 在 陽 and shu points are yang 六 十 七 難 曰 :sixty seventh difficulty says 五 藏 募 皆 在 陰 ,five zhang mu points are yin 而 俞 在 陽 者 ,and shu are yang 何 謂 也 ? 然:how to explain that? Explanation: 陰 病 行 陽 ,yin diseases moves towards yang 陽 病 行 陰 ,yang diseases moves towards yin 故 令 募 在 陰 ,it is why my points are yin 俞 在 陽 。and shu are yang To explain this difficulty we need to return to the second difficulty of NanJing which states: 從 關 至 尺 from guan towards chi 是 尺 內 , inside from chi 陰 之 所 治 也 . place which controls yin 從 關 至 魚 際 from guan towards yuizi 是 寸口 內 , inside from cunkou 陽 之 所 治 也 。 place which controls yang It explains that there are the yin and yang areas of the pulse on the wrist. One area from guang line of the middle finger position towards elbow or under annular finger position is yin. Another area from guang line under middle finger position towards wrist crease or under index finger position is the yang. Later the third difficulty of NanJing explains 遂上魚為溢,overflowing towards thumb as overfilling 此陰乘之脈也。it is pulse of yin victory It means that elongation of the pulse towards thumb is known as yin victory because dominating yin pushes yang even more towards the hand, making pulse in cunkou area overflow. Yin in this case moves towards the yang. We use this dominating yin victory for a treatment and observe it's presence by pulse 遂入尺為覆,overflowing towards chi as hiding 此陽乘之脈也。it is pulse of yang victory It means that elongation of pulse towards elbow is known as yang victory because dominating yang pushes yin further towards the elbow, making it overflow chi position. Yang in this case moves towards the yin. We use this dominating yang victory for a treatment and observe it's presence by pulse If we look to the pulse map which we use for archaic pulse guided acupuncture treatment, so we can see that the lung pulse is more superficial or more yang, when kidney pulse is more deep or more yin. It shows that yin increases from yang towards yin and yang increases from yin to wards yang. Same way Large intestine pulse is more superficial or Urinary Bladder pulse is more deep, making Large intestine pulse to be more yang and Bladder pulse to be more yin. Practitioner of archaic acupuncture would be treating patient with pulse presented on the pulse map in following way as it described in Nanjing: 1 Lung yin excess or yang deficiency needed to be treated by dominating yang victory trough lung mu point. In this case dominating yang from yang victory goes to the yin mu point decreasing yin of the lung and increasing it's yang. 2 Heart yin deficiency or yang excess needed to be treated by dominating yin during yin victory through the shu points. In this case dominating yin from yin victory goes towards the yang shu points, decreasing yang of the heart and increasing it's yin. 3 Stomach yang deficiency or yin excess needed to be treated by dominating yang from yang victory through mu point. In this case dominating yang from yang victory goes towards yin mu points decreasing yin and increasing yang of the stomach. 4 Gall Bladder yang excess or yin deficiency needed to be treated by dominating yin from yin victory through back shu points. In this case dominating yin yin from yin victory goes towards yang shu points decreasing excess of yang and increasing yin. So when 陰 病 行 陽 ,yin diseases moves towards yang 陽 病 行 陰 ,yang diseases moves towards yin we treat them accordingly to their movement using natural yin and yang victory which move towards yang and towards yin too. |