Difficulty 74 explains needling technique, when puncture should be done in the points corresponding to the movement dominating particular meridian in particular moment. If meridian is dominated by cold, water point should be used, if meridian is dominated by wind, wood point and so on.
This technique is explained as needling of the points where Qi is concentrated corresponding to dominating movement. Difficulty states that it is the greatest secret of acupuncture. Here is another difference of acupuncture pulse diagnosis which shows movement by movement dominated in each meridian. Herbal pulse diagnosis indicates if entire body is affected by heat, dampness and so on, not differential diagnosis of meridian by meridian. It is the important difference of diagnosis due to different treatment applied using acupuncture, when practitioner treat needling meridian by meridian; and herbal medicine, when practitioner treat the entire body giving particular herb or herbs. Difficulty 10 explains how pathological Qi penetrates from one meridian to another. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis written in pulse map can easy explain, for example, that in shown case heart instead of fire movement is dominated by metal and is affecting the Large Intestine meridian. Small Intestine meridian is affecting Lung meridian, so fire pathological Qi entered into Lung meridian, which is dominated now by fire movement Only Acupuncture pulse diagnosis may indicate it with such exactitude. |