Archaic Acupuncture Pulse Diagnosis according to NanJing 難經 is the synthesis of most ancient forms of pulse diagnosis and point prescription in acupuncture. Statements about finding 50 yin or yang periods, direction of qi flow, yin or yang increasing and decreasing, breathing cycles are mentioned in Huan Di NeiJing 黃帝內經, MaiJing 脉經 pulse classic, many other medical and ancient Chinese alchemy texts without clear explanations, making them even more difficult for understanding. This ancient pulse diagnosis system could not be extremely difficult as was used thousands years ago but later was reinvented and modified. It is not only diagnosis method but also most efficient point prescription system. Acupuncture pulse diagnosis according to NanJing has it's power in it's simplicity and exactness. Now you are one step away from trying this powerful method of diagnosis and treatment by yourself.
Due to increasing demand from overseas to attend pulse guided acupuncture seminar I provide you with an excellent possibility to have workshop at your own home.
Pulse guided acupuncture webinar is a face to face practical two days course designed to help practitioners to start use acupuncture pulse diagnosis in their daily practice.
It is not just an information exchange, it is an individual lesson with two practitioners, or a small group.
Minimum attendants is 2 (or one practitioner and one patient)as you will need to have somebody to check his or her pulse and review the case.
After two sessions of 4-5 hours each you will be able to differentiate one of five movements of Wu Xing dominating each meridian/vessel manually, see excess and deficiency in each vessel, stagnation; points, where qi is concentrated, points to open muscular meridians, opened extraordinary meridians, make treatment plan in just five minutes. You will be ready to treat your patient and have immediate results.
Feel free to contact me for arrange your webinar at time more comfortable for you.
You will not practice as before
Price for full face to face practical course or online seminar is $500 for as many practitioners as you wish.
You may wish to purchase for only $200 US DVD of somebody's 10 hrs edited practical pulse seminar
Pulse guided acupuncture webinar is a face to face practical two days course designed to help practitioners to start use acupuncture pulse diagnosis in their daily practice.
It is not just an information exchange, it is an individual lesson with two practitioners, or a small group.
Minimum attendants is 2 (or one practitioner and one patient)as you will need to have somebody to check his or her pulse and review the case.
After two sessions of 4-5 hours each you will be able to differentiate one of five movements of Wu Xing dominating each meridian/vessel manually, see excess and deficiency in each vessel, stagnation; points, where qi is concentrated, points to open muscular meridians, opened extraordinary meridians, make treatment plan in just five minutes. You will be ready to treat your patient and have immediate results.
Feel free to contact me for arrange your webinar at time more comfortable for you.
You will not practice as before
Price for full face to face practical course or online seminar is $500 for as many practitioners as you wish.
You may wish to purchase for only $200 US DVD of somebody's 10 hrs edited practical pulse seminar
I highly recommend Igor Simonov's Skype class for understanding the PRACTICAL use of Ying (Rong) and Wei circulation, based on Nan Jing. You can learn to feel whether either of these 2 Qi is active at any time in each meridian, and on which side of the body. The signal is present in the pulse. How to apply this knowledge depends on first making a diagnosis, and there are many schools of thought about that.I have been using Igor's teachings with notable benefit to my patients. Peter Eckman
Practical Acupuncture Pulse Diagnosis Seminar by Nan-Jing for one person or group for same price.
DVD of Classical Chinese Pulse Diagnosis by Nan-Jing Seminar
What is pulse diagnosis according to NanJing in acupuncture
Practitioner may judge about entire condition of patient or some of his meridians by only 3 minutes palpation of movement of Wu Xing through the pulse
Acupuncture pulse diagnosis gives precise indication about which yang or yin period of treatment we treat the patient, according difficulty 1 of Nan-Jing, so we may use exactly yin or yang meridians of corresponding period to make treatment much more effective. Only acupuncture pulse diagnosis can indicate not only where more qi is concentrated, in yin or yang meridian, but also if yin or yang is increasing or decreasing and direction of flow of qi, upwards, downwards, from yin into yang or from yang into yin and so on to determinate treatment according the natural qi flow. |
Acupuncture pulse diagnosis gives also additional information
1 For example, pulse of lungs or metal is most superficial pulse according to the fifth difficulty of Nanjing. From the other side, pulse of kidney or water is deepest. We can conclude, that surface has more yang then yin and deepness has more yin then yang. When pulse of lung becomes deeper it indicates that yin is increasing and yang is decreasing. Decreasing of deepness from the other side indicates that yin is decreasing and yang is increasing. Here is the fact that increasing of deepness in one meridian produces increasing of deepness in pared vessel. For example, increasing of deepness of pulse of lungs produces increasing of deepness of pulse of Large intestine. In other words increasing of yin of Lungs produces decreasing of yang of large intestine meridian. Increasing of fullness of yin in yin meridian produces increasing of emptiness of yang in yang meridian.
This fulfilling of one vessel or meridian induces emptiness of the other as reaction to balance; it is relative emptiness or relative fullness.
2 There is also case of absolute fullness or absolute emptiness. Sometimes fullness of yin meridian doesn't produce reaction of relative emptiness in relative yang meridian. It is absolute fullness or absolute emptiness depending of the case.
3 Absolute fullness as mentioned before is not released through related meridian, that produces opening and fulfilling of extraordinary vessels related to such full meridian according to the difficulty twenty seven of Nanjing. It is diagnostic and therapeutic indication for treating opened extraordinary meridian involved in process.
4 Wu Xing pulse diagnosis indicates on which movement is dominating in particular moment in particular vessel or meridian, showing particular acupuncture points with highest concentration of Qi that can be used with more beneficial effect. Only these points must be used according difficulty seventy four of Nanjing, as it is the miraculous art of acupuncture. There aren't needs to use of ZuWuLiuZhu tables for calculation of opened points as body of patient indicates them through the language of pulse.
5 Domination of the same movement in different meridians indicates on Qi stagnation. Understanding of Wu Xing concept is very important here as we do not have any elements but movements. Appearance of the same movement in few meridians will be revealed also through particular symptoms on which patient will indicate.
6 Knowledge about movement dominating each vessel/ meridian gives exact indication of points that practitioner can use for balancing acupuncture for instant pain relief, for example, which is noticeable immediately by patient.
7 Knowledge of each of five movements dominating different meridians gives precise picture for using rule like mother-child for stimulation and sedation.
For example, movement of earth may dominate liver meridian, so his vessel becomes mother for the metal and not for the fire anymore (earth is mother of metal), so it will stimulate meridian with metal movement and not with the fire movement.
It is very important Wu Xing conclusion as the wood is the mother for the fire but not always meridian of liver becomes mother for the heart.
8 Wu Xing pulse diagnosis explains how to treat conditions of muscular meridians, which points to use for having instant result or relief. Nanjing explains that we can't directly see condition of muscular meridian through the pulse, but we can see it relatively, it helps us use combination of pulse indicated points of normal meridian to complement treatment of muscular meridian for best result.
9 Questioning of patient becomes much narrower after having the picture of pulse diagnosis. Practitioner asks more precise questions to amazed patient and surprised patient needs only agree with suspicion of acupuncturist regarding his or her condition.
It assures patients that practitioner sees root of problem
10 Pulse diagnosis instantly indicates condition of patient and plan of his treatment too, including points prescription, affected meridians, opened extraordinary meridians only in five minutes of manual investigation without help of any apparatus.
Isn't it a method you dream about?
Now you can learn it at online webinar only in couple of days.
1 For example, pulse of lungs or metal is most superficial pulse according to the fifth difficulty of Nanjing. From the other side, pulse of kidney or water is deepest. We can conclude, that surface has more yang then yin and deepness has more yin then yang. When pulse of lung becomes deeper it indicates that yin is increasing and yang is decreasing. Decreasing of deepness from the other side indicates that yin is decreasing and yang is increasing. Here is the fact that increasing of deepness in one meridian produces increasing of deepness in pared vessel. For example, increasing of deepness of pulse of lungs produces increasing of deepness of pulse of Large intestine. In other words increasing of yin of Lungs produces decreasing of yang of large intestine meridian. Increasing of fullness of yin in yin meridian produces increasing of emptiness of yang in yang meridian.
This fulfilling of one vessel or meridian induces emptiness of the other as reaction to balance; it is relative emptiness or relative fullness.
2 There is also case of absolute fullness or absolute emptiness. Sometimes fullness of yin meridian doesn't produce reaction of relative emptiness in relative yang meridian. It is absolute fullness or absolute emptiness depending of the case.
3 Absolute fullness as mentioned before is not released through related meridian, that produces opening and fulfilling of extraordinary vessels related to such full meridian according to the difficulty twenty seven of Nanjing. It is diagnostic and therapeutic indication for treating opened extraordinary meridian involved in process.
4 Wu Xing pulse diagnosis indicates on which movement is dominating in particular moment in particular vessel or meridian, showing particular acupuncture points with highest concentration of Qi that can be used with more beneficial effect. Only these points must be used according difficulty seventy four of Nanjing, as it is the miraculous art of acupuncture. There aren't needs to use of ZuWuLiuZhu tables for calculation of opened points as body of patient indicates them through the language of pulse.
5 Domination of the same movement in different meridians indicates on Qi stagnation. Understanding of Wu Xing concept is very important here as we do not have any elements but movements. Appearance of the same movement in few meridians will be revealed also through particular symptoms on which patient will indicate.
6 Knowledge about movement dominating each vessel/ meridian gives exact indication of points that practitioner can use for balancing acupuncture for instant pain relief, for example, which is noticeable immediately by patient.
7 Knowledge of each of five movements dominating different meridians gives precise picture for using rule like mother-child for stimulation and sedation.
For example, movement of earth may dominate liver meridian, so his vessel becomes mother for the metal and not for the fire anymore (earth is mother of metal), so it will stimulate meridian with metal movement and not with the fire movement.
It is very important Wu Xing conclusion as the wood is the mother for the fire but not always meridian of liver becomes mother for the heart.
8 Wu Xing pulse diagnosis explains how to treat conditions of muscular meridians, which points to use for having instant result or relief. Nanjing explains that we can't directly see condition of muscular meridian through the pulse, but we can see it relatively, it helps us use combination of pulse indicated points of normal meridian to complement treatment of muscular meridian for best result.
9 Questioning of patient becomes much narrower after having the picture of pulse diagnosis. Practitioner asks more precise questions to amazed patient and surprised patient needs only agree with suspicion of acupuncturist regarding his or her condition.
It assures patients that practitioner sees root of problem
10 Pulse diagnosis instantly indicates condition of patient and plan of his treatment too, including points prescription, affected meridians, opened extraordinary meridians only in five minutes of manual investigation without help of any apparatus.
Isn't it a method you dream about?
Now you can learn it at online webinar only in couple of days.
Plan of the seminar
First day 4-5 hours
Theoretical and practical aspects of Wu Xing, five movements, position of meridians of different organs at Qung Kou part of radial artery, deepness of pulse according to Wu Xing theory, manual finding of deepness of pulse, composition of pulse map and pulse recording, manual definition of Wu Xing movement that dominates in each meridian, definition of emptiness and fullness, stagnation of Qi, opened extraordinary meridians involved into process.
Second day 4-5 hours
Treatment according to the NanJing pulse diagnosis interpretation, treatment of fullness and emptiness of different meridians, use of effective technique of stimulation and sedation Bu Se according rule mother- child, treatment of stagnation of Qi, treatment of involved extraordinary meridians, application of Ba Gua treatment for instant pain or condition relief, fast technique of definition of Wu Xing movements in each particular meridian, plan of treatment.
You will not like to treat your patients as before after adopting this effective ancient Wu Xing method of pulse diagnosis.
Theoretical and practical aspects of Wu Xing, five movements, position of meridians of different organs at Qung Kou part of radial artery, deepness of pulse according to Wu Xing theory, manual finding of deepness of pulse, composition of pulse map and pulse recording, manual definition of Wu Xing movement that dominates in each meridian, definition of emptiness and fullness, stagnation of Qi, opened extraordinary meridians involved into process.
Second day 4-5 hours
Treatment according to the NanJing pulse diagnosis interpretation, treatment of fullness and emptiness of different meridians, use of effective technique of stimulation and sedation Bu Se according rule mother- child, treatment of stagnation of Qi, treatment of involved extraordinary meridians, application of Ba Gua treatment for instant pain or condition relief, fast technique of definition of Wu Xing movements in each particular meridian, plan of treatment.
You will not like to treat your patients as before after adopting this effective ancient Wu Xing method of pulse diagnosis.