扁石針 magic bian stone needle |
穴位 correct translation of term "acupuncture point" is a "place for the hole" or "place for the well". It came to us from time when acupuncture was just born. Neolithic era, when people started to use bone's, wooden and 扁石 stone needles BianShi as an instrument for a treatment(from 10,000-40,000 years ago). Use of metal started the era of more thin and sharp instruments, but the form of stone needle was replicated in steel, gold and silver to provide long lasting and very effective treatment. One stone needle technique has a fame to be extremely effective even for most difficult conditions. This technique is applied according to rule of NanJing
榮 衛 Zhong and wei /chi/ 行 陽 二 十 五 度 , travel through yang 25 times 行 陰 亦 二 十 五度 , travels through yin also 25 times 為 一 周 也 。it makes one cycle 故 五 十 度 this is why /they circulate/ 50 times 復 會 and meet again. Metal needles are very good conductors and react to the electromagnetic changes happening between the Sun and Earth during their rotation. Chinese knew these changes as 陽二十五度 25 yang and 陰二十五度 25 yin cycles and used them for acupuncture treatment. |
These electromagnetic changes became natural basis for one needle or stone needle technique, when needle doesn't stay long in the place, but is removed and reinserted again and again. Thick or thin needle is inserted into the "place for the well" and removed, producing the well. Space, produced by stone or metal needle is fulfilled with blood. Moving blood doesn't react to electromagnetic changes even it carries iron as hemoglobin due to it's permanent movement. When blood doesn't move, it can be even magnetized by strong magnets. Clot produced from blood in the hole is contracted due to mechanism of coagulation, forming the needle, made mostly of iron which become more sensitive to astronomic electromagnetic changes as it loses its oxygen. Magnetism of the blood free of oxygen is seen during magnetic resonance. Clots in the form of needle produced by treatment during the yin period are different from the clots produced during the yang period due to different cells orientation in different electromagnetic conditions. These "needles" are different of normal metal needles as they become reactivated every 28,8 minutes during every yin or yang period, working accordingly to the qi flow, making treatment more lasting and more effective. It is why use of one stone needle technique get compared as the highest acupuncture's art
To use one stone needle technique practitioners now don't need to use stone needles. Correct selection of yin and yang periods of needle insertion with proper manipulation for forming correct permanent yin or yang iron needles in place are possible with mostly any thickness of the needle. You may be interested to learn this method during my practical seminar.